The Procedure:

  • Check-in:  We recommend arriving 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment to fill out any forms, use the restroom, and choose your style.

  • Eyelash extensions are applied while the client is lying down on a sanitized memory foam lash bed and pillow.  You will be offered a freshly laundered blanket and made as comfortable as possible throughout the process.  

  • Before beginning:

    • Your Lash Extensionist will consult with you to help you choose a custom style, discuss the condition of your lashes, or find out any concerns/dislikes/loves regarding your current set.

    • If we need to do a lash removal from a prior set, we will do this first.

    • If we need to remove eye makeup or cleanse lashes, we will do this next.

  • We will place a cooling gel pad on your lower lashes to protect and separate them from the upper lashes. We will also add medical-grade tape to your lower lash line to further protect them for the adhesive on the upper lashes.

  • We will map out your lash design onto the gel pad to ensure evenly distributed lashes and shaping on both eyes with one of our ‘Shamelessly You’ styles.

  • We will lift your upper eyelids slightly with medipore tape so that we can access all of your upper lash line. Your eyes will still remain closed, the tape only gently lifts excess skin folds.

  • Next, we will prime your lashes to remove any excess oils that may impact your lash retention.

  • Once lashes are primed, we will begin applying lashes one-by-one, using medical-grade sensitive eyelash extension adhesive. Each natural eyelash is first isolated. Then, a synthetic lash is glued to the natural lash approximately 1mm away from the skin of the lash line. Lash extensions are placed continuously in this manner and evenly on both eyes for the duration of the procedure.

  • After lash placement, a bonder will be added to the glued portion of the lash extensions, in order to cure the glue immediately and seal in most residual fumes from the glue.

  • At completion, you will be handed a fan to dry your lashes, and offered an eye drop in case any residual fumes from the glue are making your eyes feel sensitive.

  • You will be handed a mirror to view your results and if anything needs to be addressed, you can mention it at that time.

  • Lastly, we will take your after pictures, explain after-care, and give you some after-care products.