What is Botox?

Botox is a brand name for a purified form of botulinum toxin. It is a non-surgical injectable treatment used to temporarily reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and fine lines. It works by relaxing the muscles responsible for causing wrinkles, resulting in a smoother and more youthful appearance.  We use the brand name Jeuveau.

How long does a Botox treatment last?

The effects of Botox typically last for 3 to 4 months. However, individual results may vary depending on factors such as the dosage administered, the area treated, and the client's metabolism.

Does getting a Botox treatment hurt?

Most clients experience minimal discomfort during Botox injections. The procedure involves using a very fine needle to inject the solution into the targeted areas. Some may feel a slight pinch or stinging sensation, but it is generally well-tolerated. If desired, a topical numbing cream can be applied prior to the treatment to minimize any potential discomfort.

Are there any side effects of Botox?

botulinum toxin is generally safe when administered by a trained professional. However, some clients may experience temporary side effects such as redness, swelling, bruising, or mild headaches. These effects are usually mild and subside within a few hours to a few days.

How long does it take to see results after a Botox treatment?

The onset of results can vary, but most clients begin to see the effects of Botox within 3 to 7 days after the treatment. The full effects are typically visible within 1 to 2 weeks.

Can Botox be used for areas other than wrinkles?

Yes, Botox can be used to address various concerns beyond wrinkles, such as a Lip Flip., Brow Lift and Chin Dimples.

Can anyone receive Botox injections?

Botox treatments are generally safe for healthy adults. However, individuals who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have certain neuromuscular conditions may not be suitable candidates. It is crucial to disclose any underlying medical conditions or medications during the consultation to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. You must be at least 18 years of age to receive Botox.

How long does a Botox treatment session take?

The actual injection process usually takes about 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the areas being treated. However, additional time may be required for the Good Faith Exam, the initial consultation, any necessary pre-treatment discussions, and preparation for the treatment.

Are the results of Botox treatments permanent?

No, the results of Botox treatments are not permanent. The effects gradually wear off over time as the muscle activity returns. To maintain the desired results, follow-up treatments are recommended every 3 to 4 months.